Brian Ferguson

Brian Ferguson

EG America

Senior Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer

Hometown: Somerville, NJ

What is your vision for Knoxville 10 years from now?

A thriving and diverse riverfront city with world class companies, hospitals, schools, infrastructure, and business resources. A city which has rigorously planned out it’s growth to continuously invest in the quality of life of its residents, avoiding the overcrowding and exploding costs of living that handicap predecessors like Nashville and Austin.

What is Knoxville’s Best Kept Secret?

The cost of living and doing business is outstanding and should be a magnet for talent and growth. Tennessee in general is well known for being a great place to live and do business, however Knoxville hasn’t yet won the major investments that Nashville and other cities have achieved.

What would you do to strengthen Knoxville?

I would start by upgrading our infrastructure starting with an overhaul of I-40 through downtown eliminating traffic enabling frictionless access to downtown, market square, the old city, and the riverfront. I would also dramatically upgrade the riverfront similar to what Columbus, OH, has accomplished.

What is your favorite Knoxville memory?

My son Jack was born here in Knoxville, the first family member ever born in the South, and it was the night of the great solar eclipse (Aug 21, 2017).

What is your favorite book or what book is currently on your nightstand?

The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown), Extreme Ownership (Jocko Willink)

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor, and who was that mentor?

Save as draft. That advice was given to me by Jim Bierbower, SVP of Human Resources at Abercrombie and Fitch. Jim’s advice reminds me to be continuously aware that my words matter, my tone matters, and to think twice before speaking, sending emails, texts, or voicemails. The advice is a constant reminder that face to face communication is extraordinarily valuable and cannot be replicated by email, text, or other modern platforms.

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

Brian, spend more time with your Dad. Take the initiative. Don’t wait for him to call or visit. He will not be around as long as you think, or hope.

Brian Ferguson