John Sergent

John Sergent

First Horizon

Retail Banking Executive

Hometown: Wichita Falls, TX

What is your vision for Knoxville 10 years from now?

I would love for Knoxville to be a thriving hub for technology, science, arts, nature and entrepreneurship. I hope we are able to keep our “small city” feel with caring leaders who are invested in making a difference. I would like to see us embrace “quality of life” as the guiding principal when we think about our education, transportation, and housing needs. I also hope we can protect our waterways and parks by investing in clean technologies and smart practices that will lessen the impact of our continued growth.

What is Knoxville’s Best Kept Secret?

The Vault.

What would you do to strengthen Knoxville?

We need corporate and public leaders who are unified in creating a thriving, sustainable economy with opportunities for all residents. Living in Nashville for 13 years, I would also like to see us tackle traffic issues head on.

What is your favorite Knoxville memory?

My favorite memories involve relaxing with my family on the back of a boat on the Tennessee River. You can’t beat a sunset on the water with beautiful views of the Smoky Mountains.

What is your favorite book or what book is currently on your nightstand?

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor, and who was that mentor?

The best advice I ever received was to be true to yourself. We’ve all got unique strengths, personalities, and passions. You can go much further and make a much bigger impact by leveraging your strengths versus worrying about what might be a weakness or trying to be someone you’re not.

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

I would tell myself to be a more cautious and careful driver, and to spend as much time with Mom and Dad as possible.

John Sergent